Ballymacash Nursery Unit has two part time classes.
The morning class starts at 8.50am and finishes at 11.20am.
The afternoon class starts at 12.20pm and finishes at 2.50pm.
Both classes compromise of the same typical daily schedule which is detailed below:
8:50am : Play-room door opens. (Self registration and welcome in the garden)
8:55am-9.45am: Free choice of indoor play
¨ Free play will include sand, water, art and craft activities, toys, construction materials, role play areas, books, ‘writing’ area etc.
¨ Staff may be involved with a small group of children at a particular task e.g. baking, language/numeracy games.
¨ Snack time takes place during this time
¨ Group time -this may be story, music, discussion, rhymes, drama, games, etc.
9.45am-10.15am: Tidy up time/Story/Circle time
10.15am-11.10am: Outdoor Play
11.20am: Session finishes and children sit at tables and playroom door opened.