Playgroup Sweatshirt & Polo Shirt: Please note this is only available from Our Uniform Shop.
Nursery Unit Sweatshirt & Polo Shirt: Please note this is only available from Our Uniform Shop.
Primary School Uniform: Please note this available from:
Uniform details
Boys | Girls |
A navy crested school sweatshirt A white crested polo shirt (a plain white polo shirt is also acceptable) Grey (not black) trousers Grey socks Black school shoes | A navy crested school sweatshirt (No cardigans) A white crested polo shirt (a plain white polo shirt is also acceptable) Grey skirt or pinafore White socks Navy tights |
Summer uniform (optional) Grey shorts Grey socks | Summer uniform (optional) Blue and white gingham dress White socks |
PE / Sports Kit for boys and girls (Primary 2-7 only) Plain T-shirt, preferably white Navy or black shorts Navy track bottoms or leggings (or the logo pair available from McCalls) Plimsolls |